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Eaton Vance New York Municipal Income Trust (EVY) convened a special shareholder meeting on July 14, 2021, to vote on its liquidation and termination. The meeting was adjourned to July 27, 2021, to provide more time for shareholders to vote. Shareholders of record as of April 23, 2021, are encouraged to vote via proxy materials or participate in the upcoming meeting. Instructions for both direct holders and those holding through intermediaries are provided. The Fund emphasizes the importance of voting and participation, with an emphasis on transparency and shareholder engagement.
Eaton Vance Corp. (NYSE: EV) reported earnings of $0.74 per diluted share for Q1 FY2021, down from $0.91 in Q1 FY2020. However, adjusted earnings rose to a record $0.94 per diluted share, an 11% increase year-over-year. The company achieved record consolidated net inflows of $20 billion, marking a 16% annualized growth in managed assets. Total consolidated assets under management reached $584.2 billion. Despite increases in operating expenses—largely due to stock-based compensation linked to a pending acquisition by Morgan Stanley—operating income improved significantly, reflecting strong management fee revenue growth.
On February 19, 2021, shareholders of Calvert Funds approved new investment advisory and sub-advisory agreements as part of the ongoing acquisition of Eaton Vance Corp. (NYSE: EV) by Morgan Stanley (NYSE: MS), originally announced on October 8, 2020. The Calvert Funds include various investment vehicles such as the High Yield Bond Fund and Global Energy Solutions Fund. These approvals are critical steps in the acquisition process, with the vote results to be published in future shareholder reports, as certified by Computershare Fund Services.
On February 18, 2021, shareholders of Eaton Vance mutual funds participated in a joint special meeting to approve new investment advisory agreements related to the acquisition of Eaton Vance Corp. (NYSE: EV) by Morgan Stanley (NYSE: MS), initially announced on October 8, 2020. Shareholders of various funds voted in favor of the agreements, while the meeting for additional funds was adjourned to February 26, 2021, to allow more shareholder participation. The record date for these funds' votes remains unchanged at December 11, 2020.
Morgan Stanley (NYSE: MS) is set to acquire Eaton Vance Corp. (NYSE: EV) on March 1, 2021, according to the merger agreement from October 7, 2020. Eaton Vance shareholders must submit their merger consideration elections by 5:00 p.m. ET on February 24, 2021. If no election is made, shareholders will receive a mixed consideration of $28.25 in cash and 0.5833 shares of Morgan Stanley stock. The transaction is subject to customary closing conditions and share elections may be prorated to maintain the total cash and stock balance.
Eaton Vance Corp. (NYSE: EV) is set to announce its first quarter earnings for the fiscal period ending January 31, 2021, at 9:00 AM ET on February 24, 2021. As of December 31, 2020, the company reported consolidated assets under management of $583.1 billion. Eaton Vance offers diverse investment strategies through its affiliates, focusing on innovative wealth management solutions tailored for global investors. More details will be accessible on its investor relations page.
Eaton Vance Floating-Rate Income Plus Fund (NYSE: EFF) announces a virtual Special Meeting of Shareholders on February 26, 2021, at 11:30 a.m. ET due to COVID-19 precautions. Shareholders must register via email to participate. Requests for participation must be received by 3:00 p.m. ET on February 25, 2021. The proxy statement is available online and shareholders are encouraged to vote in advance. Eaton Vance Corp. (NYSE: EV) manages the Fund with consolidated assets under management of $583.1 billion as of December 31, 2020.
The Joint Special Meeting of Shareholders for various Calvert Funds is set for February 19, 2021, at 11:30 a.m. ET. Due to COVID-19, the meeting will be virtual. Shareholders must register by 5 p.m. ET on February 16, 2021, to obtain access credentials. Those holding shares through an intermediary need to secure a legal proxy to participate and vote. The Funds, managed by Calvert Research and Management, hold approximately $30.5 billion in assets as of December 31, 2020. For more details, shareholders are encouraged to visit calvert.com.
Eaton Vance Corp. has announced a virtual Joint Special Meeting of Shareholders for its various funds on February 18, 2021, due to COVID-19 concerns. Shareholders holding Fund shares as of December 11, 2020 can participate by contacting Computershare Fund Services for credentials. Voting will occur during the meeting, with a 5:00 p.m. Eastern Time deadline on February 12, 2021 for participation requests. The company, managing $583.1 billion in assets as of December 31, 2020, continues to adapt its operations to ensure shareholder engagement and compliance with health guidelines.